AAR Circular Letter Summary – August 2023



About AAR Circular Letters

Circular letter summaries are produced monthly by Greenbrier Management Services Group.

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AAR circular letters provide information of general applicability to the railroad industry, including proposed and final rules, revisions, standards and recommended practices, and calls for comments. These summaries provide the main points of circular letters issued in the prior month, as well as important implementation deadlines.

For access to the complete circular letter, please go to my.aar.org/circulars. Circular letters are a fee-based service provided by the AAR’s Transportation Technology Center Incorporated (TTCI). You may subscribe online at publications@aar.com or call 719.584.0538.

Implementation Circulars

DOT Railworthiness Directive 2023-01
Issued: August 3, 2023
Effective: August 3, 2023

The AAR TCC has issued EA SH4006 to track DOT Railworthiness Directive 2023-01. The following guidance was offered by DOT when placing a listed tank car into transportation.

Applicants wanting to move tank cars under the SMBC RWD should choose the OTMA-3 Defect Category known as “SMBC Railworthiness Directive” then choose Defect No. 18:  Railworthiness Directive No. 2023-01: Railworthiness Directive for Certain Railroad Tank Cars Owned by Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation Rail Services (SMBC) and Equipped With SMBC-owned Rubber Linings. This condition applies to tank cars that are covered by the Railworthiness Directive, and includes cleaned and purged, residue and tank cars that were loaded and offered for transportation prior to August 2, 2023. No loaded tank cars may be offered for transportation after August 2, 2023.

After the cars have been inspected and qualified by SMBC they will be removed from the EA.


Implementation of Revisions to MSRP Section B, FREIGHT CAR DRAFT COMPONENTS, Specification M-921D Cushioning Devices, End-of-Car, Motor-Vehicle-Carrying. Addition of New Requirements
Issued: August 7, 2023
Effective: August 7, 2023

The purpose of this circular letter is to notify the industry of revisions to MSRP Section B, FREIGHT CAR DRAFT COMPONENTS, Specification M-921B Cushioning Devices, End-of-Car.  New requirements have been added to the Specification to fully document the performance and physical condition of devices after service testing.  The new requirements are listed in the following paragraphs:

9.1.4 Post-Service Testing Preload Effectiveness Test Restoring Performance Test Final Teardown Inspection

In addition to the changes listed above, the entire Specification has been fully edited for clarity. M-921D is now implemented and effective immediately.  This modification will be incorporated in the next issue of the Manual of Standards and Recommended Practices, Section B.  Please update your library and be governed accordingly.


Implementation of Editorial Revisions to MSRP Section C, CAR CONSTRUCTION FUNDAMENTALS AND DETAILS, Standard S-910 and Specifications M-800 and M-801, edits relative to marking of multiple unit cars, auto racks, and certain hopper cars.
Issued: August 7, 2023
Effective: August 7, 2023

The purpose of this circular letter is to notify the industry of editorial revisions to MSRP Section C, CAR CONSTRUCTION FUNDAMENTALS AND DETAILS.

The following edits have been made to Standard S-910:

  • Paragraph 14.2 Draft System Information Marks: An example table was added for marks on multiple unit cars.
  • Paragraph Corrections were made to describe the clearance on auto racks as “Deck and Roof Clearance Height” (CL HT).
  • Specification M-800 Hopper Car, Covered – for Transport of Oxidizing Commodities:
  • Guidance for marking this car type was implemented in Standard S-910 in 2020, so has been removed from this Specification and replaced by a pointer to S-910.
  • Specification M-801 Hopper Car, Covered – Pressurized During Unloading and In-Transit:
  • The title has been changed to “Hopper Car, Covered – Pressure Differential (PD)”
  • The guidance for marking this car type was implemented in Standard S-910 in 2020, so has been removed from this standard and replaced by a pointer to S-910.

The revised publications, S-910, M-800, and M-801 (attached to the circular) are now implemented and effective immediately. These modifications will be incorporated in the next issue of the Manual of Standards and Recommended Practices, Section C. Please update your library and be governed accordingly.


Implementation of Revisions to MSRP Section B, FREIGHT CAR DRAFT COMPONENTS, Specifications M-901E and M-901G Draft Gear Requirements, regarding extending the limits of travel
Issued: August 7, 2023
Effective: August 7, 2023

The purpose of this circular letter is to notify the industry of revisions to the following Specifications in MSRP Section B. The limits of travel have been extended in both Specifications to allow for longer travel draft systems that may have the ability to absorb more energy:

  • Specification M-901E – Draft Gears with a Minimum Capacity of 36,000 ft. at a Reaction of 500,000 lb.
  • Specification M-901G – Draft Gear, Rated by Impact Testing

Specifications M-901E and M-901G (attached to the circular) are now implemented and effective immediately.  These modifications will be incorporated in the next issue of the Manual of Standards and Recommended Practices, Section B. Please update your library and be governed accordingly.


Implementation Effective Immediately: CORRECTIONS to July 2023 Field Manual Rules 3, 5 and 16
Issued: August 9, 2023
Effective: August 9, 2023

The purpose of this circular letter is to notify the industry that there were three items found in the July 2023 update to the Field Manual that require attention:

  • Rule 3, pages 31-32 should have been included in the July 2023 printed pages as Job Code 1144 was pushed from page 30 to page 31. Pages attached below.
  • Rule 5, page 66 referenced Figure 4.2 in M-602, which has not yet been implemented, therefore this reference has been removed. Revised page attached below.
  • Rule 16, page 204 Figure 16.13 contained a misprint in Chart A. Corrected page attached below.

This circular is mandatory in accordance with Field Manual Rule 1.5.b(11) and pages 31, 32, 66 and 204 (attached to the circular) must be maintained until the next revision of the Field Manual.


Call for Comment

Solicitation of Comments on Proposed Revisions to MSRP Section C-III, Specification for Tank Cars (M-1002), Chapter 1 and Appendix C
Issued: August 2, 2023
Effective: August 2, 2023

The Tank Car Committee (TCC) is requesting comments on the proposed revisions identified by change bars in the margin within the attached Chapter 1 and Appendix C of AAR MSRP C-III, Specifications for Tank Cars (M-1002).

Proposed Revision Summary

  • Update Chapter 1 the CoC approval requirements for AAR204, AAR206W, DOT113, and DOT115 Tank Cars.
  • Updated Appendix C marking requirements for AAR204, AAR206W, DOT113, and DOT115 Tank Cars.

AAR TTC requires Exhibit PC-1 (ver. 6.0) form to be completed and submitted via e-mail to kdorsey@aar.org by 5pm EST, within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of this CPC. All proposed documents and Exhibit PC-1 are attached to the circular.


Solicitation of Comments: Revisions to MSRP Section F, Sensors, Standard S-6001, Bearing Temperature Performance
Issued: August 2, 2023
Effective: 30 days for comment.

The proposed addition (attached to the circular) to this standard is a new industry trending rule for hot bearing detectors (HBD). The combination of the rule’s components will meet A1 requirements of the AAR Field Manual Rule 36. Repairs will use Why Made Code 51 (WM 51) when billing.

Written comments are being solicited under the provisions of AAR MSRP Standard S-050. Please submit comments or questions to gdeibler@aar.org within thirty (30) days from the date of the issuance of this circular.


Solicitation of Comments for Revisions to MSRP Section C, CAR CONSTRUCTION FUNDAMENTALS AND DETAILS, Standard S-2056, Clearance Plate Diagrams for Interchange Service:  Proposed updated to Plate H
Issued: August 7, 2023
Effective: August 7, 2023

The proposal aims to better define clearances near the trucks of double-stack container cars.

Proposed changes (attached to the circular) to Plate H in the attached draft include the following changes:

  • The last paragraph in the text that is embedded within the Plate H Diagram has been replaced with a pointer to a new second page of guidance.
  • A second page of guidance has been added to Plate H, under paragraph 8.3, which defines the plate near the truck centers.
  • The Plate H values in the Plate Summary Table listed in paragraph 15.0 have been updated.


Solicitation of Comments for Revisions to MSRP Section C, CAR CONSTRUCTION FUNDAMENTALS AND DETAILS, RP-2018 Handholds, Steps, and Ladders for Interior Access – New guidance for safety appliances located below the bottom of the coupler shank
Issued: August 7, 2023
Effective: 30 days for comment.

New guidance has been added to prevent safety appliances located below the bottom of the coupler shank from interfering with the uncoupling lever. If adopted, the attached version would replace the current version in its entirety. The proposal is attached to the circular.


Solicitation of Comments for Revisions to MSRP Section C-II, Specification M-1001, DESIGN, FABRICATION, AND CONSTRUCTION OF FREIGHT CARS, Chapter 2 – General Data:  Update of Weight and Axle Spacing Criteria
Issued: August 7, 2023
Effective: 30 days for comment.

The proposal concerns Paragraph “Cooper Bridge Rating Criteria” two methods for determining if a car meets the criteria for unrestricted interchange:

  • Method 1 – Calculated Limits for Cooper Bridge Rating Criteria
  • Method 2 – Dimensional Limits for Cooper Bridge Rating Criteria

A draft of the proposed specification is attached to the circular.


Solicitation of Comments for Revisions to MSRP Section E, BRAKES AND BRAKE EQUIPMENT, Specification M-602, Gaskets, Air Hose, for the addition of an Alternate Gasket
August 8, 2023:
Effective: 30 days for comment.

The proposed revision includes verbiage for an “Alternate Gasket”, informally known as wide-lipped, wide flange, or wide mouth, etc. The proposal (attached to the circular) if implemented, would replace M-602 in its entirety.


DRAFT S-9502.V2.0 – PTC Track Data Base Exchange, in support of AAR’s MSRP – Section K-VI, Railway Data Management and Communications
Issued: August 23, 2023
Effective: 15 days for comment.

The proposal (attached to the circular) is intended to provide a common track data exchange format for use between railroads in support of track data maintenance activities for interoperable PTC operations.


Solicitation of Comments for Revisions to AAR MSRP Section J, Specification for Quality Assurance M-1003
Issued: August 28, 2023
Effective: 30 days for comment.

The update includes a revision of Chapter 2 as well as clarification and editorial changes to other sections. The proposal (attached to the circular) if implemented, will replace M-1003 in its entirety. The planned release date is February 2024. Facilities will have six months from the date of release to become compliant to the new revision.

Written comments are being solicited under the provisions of AAR MSRP Standard S-050. All comments must be logged on “MSRP-J Comment Log 2024,” (attached to the circular) and the information requested for each cell must be provided or will not be considered. Please submit comment log to QA@aar.com, with the Circular Number included in the subject line, within thirty (30) days from the date of the issuance of this circular.


Notice of Circulars

SAVE THE DATE – 2024 North American Rail Mechanical Operations (NARMO) Seminar
Issued: August 1, 2023
Effective: August 1, 2023

DATE: Monday, May 6 through Thursday, May 9, 2024

LOCATION: Nashville, Tennessee

NARMO is part of an ongoing educational effort to better equip car owners, shippers, car shop operators and railroad mechanical personnel with the latest information on mechanical inspections and the AAR Interchange Rules.  Key program topics will include updates and changes to the AAR Interchange Rules, rules interpretations, various key industry systems, and discussions of MID programs and findings.

Attendance is open to all railroad personnel (field and office), private car owners, shippers, contract shops, leasing companies, fleet managers and all other interested parties.  It will be of particular interest to anyone who deals with car repair and billing on a routine basis as well as up-and-coming mechanical department managers.

Information on registration for the seminar, program topics, hotel accommodations, sponsors and exhibit booths will be available in mid-February. In the meantime, please save the date.

Upcoming Event

FTR Transportation Conference
September 11–14, 2023

Greenbrier is a proud title sponsor of the FTR Transportation Conference. Join us in Indianapolis!

SWARS Semi-Annual Meeting
September 27–28, 2023

Greenbrier is a proud sponsor at the SWARS in Coronado, CA.


Greenbrier’s Regulatory Services Group

Peace of mind for your business.

The Regulatory Management Group, led by James Rader, provides regulatory, engineering, process consulting and advocacy support to the railcar repair industry and the petrochemical rail shipper community.

  • ASNT Level III Subscription Services
  • DOT Compliance Assessments (Corporate and Plant)
  • DOT Hazardous Materials Training (Corporate and Plant)
  • Expert Witness Services in Rail-Related Litigation
  • Federal Government Claims Mitigation (e.g. FRA and PHMSA)
  • Nondestructive Testing Programs
  • Quality Assurance Program Development
  • Regulatory Counsel and Policy Advocacy
  • Railcar Repair Management (Design Review, Drawings, Engineering and AAR Approval Administration)
  • Tank Car Reliability and Maintenance Programs (49 CFR Subpart F of Part 180)
  • Tank Car Maintenance Data Collection and Reliability Performance Analysis
  • Welding Program Development

For inquiries about these summaries or any of our services, please reach out to: regulatoryservices@gbrx.com


About Greenbrier Management Services (GMS)

Greenbrier Management Services (GMS) is North America’s most comprehensive railcar management solutions provider. GMS manages nearly 400,000 railcars and has invested over 20 years in developing technology, processes, and people to provide the best railcar management products and services in the industry. GMS is powered by proprietary software and the best subject matter experts in the railcar business.



Combined, these two vitally important capabilities are able to deliver world-class solutions to every type of customer, from Class I railroads, lessors and industrial shippers to financial investors. GMS brings broad expertise to cover nearly any railcar management need that customers may have and its integrated solutions and reporting can be customized for any customer function or management need.